If your business stagnates, re-starting growth requires a rethink. Craig Saphin’s new book, Scaling New Heights, helps business leaders and entrepreneurs like you get a new perspective and relaunch your business. Now available as an audio book at Audible.
“Given Saphin’s diverse Asia Pacific experience, and his actual achievements in scaling up and growing enterprises, it is not surprising that this book does not follow the well worn path laid out by many of its predecessors.”
“Saphin’s penchant for enumerating key practices frames each mini-chapter into an essential guide for revamping or simply refining a company—especially in this wildly changing world... Boost your next business operation into a higher practice of excellence.”
“ I have been in business for 37 years, read many books about self-help and business strategies. “Scaling New Heights” is refreshing because the author took me on a journey with and included other business professionals with their opinions and experience covering strategies, cultures and marketing; all nicely explained in a simple format. Thanks, I will try to put some of your wisdom to good use.”
Is this you?
A successful, energetic and intelligent entrepreneur?
Someone who has grown one or more businesses to a critical mass?
Working too hard and would like to redefine your role in the business?
In a business that has stagnated or is not growing as quickly as you would like?
Do you want to grow, acquire, exit?
Scaling New Heights delivers a collection of vignettes and expert opinions across five fundamental pillars: