Craig Saphin

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Lynn Wood - "A new style of leader is emerging..."

Show Notes – Episode 15: Lynn Wood

Lynn Wood has had a diverse career working in a wide range of industries and roles.  The diverse experience has positioned her well for her current role, Chief Idea Spy at Idea Spies.  Idea Spies keep track of all the positive ideas happening worldwide by breaking down complex reports and ideas and expressing them in a plain, easy to understand format.

Lynn deals with positive people with positive ideas.  It is an excellent alternative to the negative ideas that perpetuate in the business environment.  Idea Spies associates Lynn with positive ideas and the solutions that are being produced for the problems.

Lynn considers the trends for the future, focusing on more creativity and positivity.  There is a real need to explain things simply so that people understand. Artificial Intelligence is taking over most of the mundane roles.  There is too much information coming at all of us each day.  Therefore Idea Spies is breaking this information down to 100 words or less to explain complex ideas and innovations.  What is the critical point to being conveyed?

There is a leadership trend from an autocratic leadership style to a democratic leadership style.  The importance of this change is related to the requirement of solving problems using teams.  Individuals are not as effective at solving problems as teams.  Leading practical, functional and agile teams demands a democratic leadership style.  The democratic style enables collaboration and cooperation.  There has been a change from competition to cooperation (sharing some information) and then to collaboration.  Collaboration means sharing much information. Collaboration requires high trust levels between the stakeholders.

In an environment of collaboration, creativity is fostered and fear replaced by trust.

Who can be trusted and how can the leader assist in increasing trust in a group?

The point about trust is how to learn about whom you can trust. Optimistic people seem to be more trustworthy.

A new style of leader is emerging, and the traditional style is falling away.  As a leader, it is essential to be able to cope with failures and deal with them.  Take the feedback on board and move on.

Some advice on preparing individual skills for the future include developing personal resilience, flexibility and adaptability.  The environment is changing quickly.  Individuals need to develop the confidence to reinvent themselves. 

If people want to stay ahead and relevant, they need to learn new skills.  Of course, some people are not interested in staying competitive, and that is up to them.  Sometimes the change requires going back to a more fundamental role.  The change is not always up and up.  Some skills are retained and others are added to an individual’s resume.

Enhanced communication skills are required in writing and verbally.


  • Leaders need to be creative.  Think creatively.

  • Communication: Use Verbal and written skills to take complex concepts and simplify the message without being overly reductionistic.

  • Learn to work with others in teams, openness to share ideas and trust the broader group.

  • Recognise who is trustworthy.

  • Learn to be resilient and deal with discouragement.  We will make mistakes. 

  • Be adaptable and be prepared to go with the flow.

  • Commit to learning and developing skills.

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