What does business success look like to you?
Extract from ‘Scaling New Heights’ by Craig Saphin:
1.1 The golden question: “What will my business success look like?”
Executive Summary:
What is your passionate, personal goal for Scaling New Heights?
A period of business stagnation is common for most successful businesses.
Scaling a business requires an engaged team which understands the journey on which they are joining with you.
Many clients I meet have established, successful businesses. However, in some cases, the businesses have started to stagnate in growth. For a successful entrepreneur who is used to things going more to plan, the stagnation can create frustration. Successful entrepreneurs are used to regular “wins”. The wins motivate and excite them.
These entrepreneurs have the ability and authority to float and test new ideas. In this scenario, it can be unusual for these founders not to experience success and the immediate or short term returns on effort.
Most successful businesses can, and should, be run and grown by the founder and entrepreneur for the first few years. At some stage, there will come a time for business consolidation and restructuring. How the restructure and the consolidation is executed will determine how and if the business Scales New Heights. In initial meetings with the founder, I ask “what does your business’ success look like to you”?