Laura Koefoed is a young recruiter for the University of Sydney with a background in the education sector for internal and external recruitment. She also is interested in photography and creative work for some start-up companies.
Laura is passionate about social justice and equal opportunity. The great thing about her role as a recruiter is that she can help people into positions where they might not ordinarily be considered or where they may not feel confident enough to apply.
Sometimes job interviews do not go as planned, and this should be seen by the interviewee as a learning experience.
Working at an employer like Sydney University requires values centred on social justice and equity.
Wellbeing goes hand in hand with social justice, values, diversity, equity and inclusion.
The skills in demand are always going to be technical. However, adaptability is something that is in increasing demand: adaptability to change and new roles and responsibilities.
Adaptability as a competency needs to be measured. This is done by reviewing previous experiences and reactions to change.
Leaders need to be empathetic with a personal touch. At the same time, they need to be innovative, reflective and responsive to requests to change.
While people have invited work into their personal lives through zoom, their screens protect them. In some ways face to face
For young graduates entering the work force. It is OK to not know what you want to do. But don’t be idle. Try things and make mistakes. Gradually your passion and direction will emerge.
Professional development is an ongoing project. Study course external to work and take any opportunities that are offered to you at work. Diverse skills sets enrich your life. If the professional development options don’t come easily at work, ask for them.