Innovation is synonymous with metamorphosis and is the buzz word in many modern organisations today. How innovation is approached varies from company to company and industry to industry. One thing that is for certain is that innovation should be driven by the overall Corporate Strategy and Culture...
This is where we are going – let me teach you
.....the single biggest reason to spend time developing a Strategy Map for your organisation is to develop a tool which allows you to communicate the strategy in a consistent manner across the whole business. As the CEO, it is not good enough that you and the board understand the strategy and the key objectives for the year.
Platitudes or Imperatives
A few weeks ago I spent a day interviewing the members of the leadership team of a fast growing services business in SE Asia. Talking with young, intelligent, energised and switched on leaders is always great. Within a few minutes it is easy to ascertain which leaders understand the company Mission, Vision and Strategy.
Warring factions? What is your rationale for Strategy Invigoration and Alignment?
Leveraging Strategy for Sustainable Business Results
Business Catharsis
Your Great Leap
Modern Vietnam
Leadership and Culture
Deciding on the company culture is the precursor for selecting and developing leaders. The process must be decided or owned by the CEO. It must project into the company values, the talent acquisition, onboarding and compensation and benefits.
Many clients ask me how it is possible to scale a sustainable business and grow market share.
Business Expansion Strategy
It is common for successful businesses that have a healthy market share in a set geography to extend themselves to new countries and regions. The rationale and the strategy behind the expansion could range from reducing manufacturing costs, increasing supply chain efficiency and market expansion. The discussion around “Globalization” and “Global Talent” is a key part of the business vernacular.